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Tiffany to Members

First Seo Joo Hyun, our baby Seo Hyun. Mmm... It's been a while since we shared the room. (?) there's been much less talking lately. Hmmm...well then, i'll take this chance to talk to you more while we're here. you changed! it worries me- but i can't say anything because if i speak off the moment in concern, you might take it the wrong way. But, i'm happy, you're pretty. Seems like you're becoming a lady~ Hehe just continue to grow up just the way you are now~ haha. 

Secondly oh~ Lim Yoon A. Yoon A! you're like a~ i don't know~ i can't say, but you'll laugh when you see this. Just~ Just~ I don't know what to say, but you know what i mean, right? It's cheesy.

And who else is there~ backwards in age~ oh! soo young~ soo young is~ a girl with very bigh heart. the member who take me for who i am and embraces me with love. Of course, all the other members do that as well, but i can't live without you crying with me, sharing my pain and praying for me all the time. thank you, and stay with me always~

And the next is Yu Ri~ Umm.. Thank you Yu Ri for always staying at home with me. My buddy! My constant buddy~ we make a good team. and i feel you understand me. i often say unreasonable things, right? And~ I think I make no sense a lot of the times. i like you because you try to understand my incomprehensible sides. Love you!

And Hyo Yeon.. Without you, none of us will be happy. You have so much charm, man(?), i'm no(?) prankster(?) next to you and that's stressful these days. I gotta learn from you.

After Hyo Yeon, it's Sunny~ Ah~ why am i so shy? i'm actually good at these kinds of suff. The members always tell me I'm really cheeky but it turns out i'm no good at this. Sunny~ i trust you so much i have no worries. We go on our little dates (?) for (?) two(?)~ right? We're the official couple

Lastly, Taeyeon is not around right? If she's around I wouldn't be able to express myself... Taeyeon ahh, we have been keep bickering recently, we always get together and seperate again. On and off this have been happening for 6 years. We have been together for 6 years... And i just like the way we are. In future I will try to express myself more, same to you, try to express yourself more too.Do you know that i really really love you, and really really cherish you~ Do you know? I'm always thankful about it, really really love you~ Ding!

Taeyeon to Tiffany
Tiffany…. Tiffany you were so excited before arriving in Phuket (Thailand)…. you’re our (the) Fany that I was roommates for the longest time since our trainee days~ I guess it’s hard to say something like this since we’ve known each other for so long, you know how it’s awkward for family members to talk about things like this. I really like you.. and I’ve also been grateful, and I can’t seem to express those type of feelings well right away, and especially, I think I act that way towards you. I’ve grown up in Korea, but you’ve emigrated from the States to Korea, so I’ve had a lot of thoughts like “I think our cultural differences would differentiate our opinions/thoughts.” I tried to be as open and understanding as possible, and at some point, it became natural and since we’ve been running into each other a lot, I think my old thought that our ‘cultural differences’ would set us apart has completely disappeared. I’m just glad that we’ve become so close to each other, and I really like/appreciate the present, because we’ve become so close to each other. Our memories that we shared from our trainee days are so precious to me, but I really like the present. Therefore, I am so grateful to you and me because of those moments/memories that we made, and since we have many days left together, I’ll just leave it at this/that.

Taeyeon to Yuri
Yuri. Hi Yuri! I can't forget the first time I saw you. Your first impression... does that make you nervous? To me, the kind smile you gave me felt very glamorous, and I wondered if you were one of us, trainees, and it made such a good and strong impression on me, you seemed so nice. You are very brisk, nice, and gentle. I wish I had an impression like yours, and I love that Yuri in my memory. How you always boost yourself up for for energy, I'm envious of your self-elevating skills like 'Yeah! I can do it! Hooray!' So go on and continue to give strength to the group. You're the best really 

Taeyeon to Yoona
Yoona! I say this all the time but you have a hard time. Being the one in the middle, the role and how you might feel as that person must be hard, and I understand because I'm the second child. But you take on that role so well and it's hard to tell if you're my friend or younger because you're so absorbed in us and mingle so well, so thank you. I hope you melt into the team as you do now. Mmm...except those times when you act like a boy, you're perfect. You are born with so much, and whatever you do you're OK and you're pretty and likeable. Although sometimes you have a timid side, so think broad and take care of your health. I know you take care of your food, but I feel sympathetic, so take good care of your health and play that (...) role in and outside Girls' Generation.

Taeyeon to Sooyoung
Soo Young~Yes,Soo Young*** if someone asks me to *say a word to Soo Young*, I could only think of those days when we went to school together.I worried a lot bout who I would be able to talk to and be friend with at this foreign city and you gradually become that someone I could practice with,learn with,inside and outside of school,with the same uniforms,someone I could really talk to and that meant a lot to me.I was really grateful for . . sorry the next page is impossible for me to read.

Taeyeon To Fans
Dear. Fan
Ever since the very beginning, the reason for all our actions and performance is you, and you enable us to do it, so you're the source of our energy. I have felt the importance of you since debut and to be honest, there is so much love I don't know if I could absorb it all, and sometimes I wonder what if there is so much space in my love basket? When it gets rough and tiring, your unconditional love keeps us going, thank you. We will try to show our true selves in return for the love. Not only to SONE in Korea, but to all the people in Asia and beyond all the way to Europe, we will find our fans and let you hear our music. Until then, we will continue to prepare and work hard. Thank you so much for always giving us the strength. I love you."

Yuri to Members and Fans
Dear Girls' Generation
To you guys,
Uh..I've been saying thanks a lot recently, so this cheesy time may not come off as a shock to you. Just get used to it. First, its been three years since our first steps, and watching us nine girls grow up as we did together, I'm proud and I think I would have wished to be in this group if I weren't. I've spent half of my 21 years of life with you, and during that history, I'm glad we made so many good memories. I'm really glad to be part of the group, not just because it's girls' generation, but because the group is made up of you guys. Thank you~

My roommate Yoon A. Yoon A~ when I look at you I feel the world isn't fair, it really isn't, and you're the epitomy of that?you're a mystery to me, how can such a beautiful girl exist? You're well-mannered, and nice, and you feel like a 10-year old friend. We click together, and as your roommate, every night, it can't be more fun. Let's talk more in the future, and
tell me if anything troubles you. Okay?

Tiffany bling bling like the jewels. Tiffany, we've gotten closer these days and talked a lot more. And you're more thoughtful than you seem. It's almost like you don't know hardship or sadness because you seem so bright on the outside, but you pull through it all, and you're always thankful. I feel there is a lot to learn from you. You are a big strength. Thank you~

Hyoyeon~ Our Hyoyeon. Watching you these days I think you look happy. I know your hidden talents and now they are bursting out. I knew you were in for good. You'll do better. And we have preferences in common. We love dancing, and I'm really happy when I dance with you.

Our baby sis Seohyun, you are so not like a baby. You have deep thoughts and you're more mature than us older girls, and that's really good. It's good to watch you develop yourself and study hard. I want to take this time to say I'm sorry and I won't nag you....

Jessica, After watching Sica for a while now, I think she's an attractive kid. Her face looks a little cold, but at the same time she seems innocent, and I think that's what makes her even more attractive. So from now on, cry a little more**- you seem little whiny, but I want to thank you so much for cooperating with me.

**Yuri is basically telling Jessica to show her emotions more.

To the sones that started to love us and all the SNSD fans all around the world. As I do what I love to do the most, I never knew how much happiness it is to be loved. Thank you so so much, and thanks for letting me feel this happiness as Girls' Generation. Every time I get on stage, I feel what it is like to do what I love and be loved in return. Thank you again and I will put in all my efforts to give back to that love, so that you can feel proud as our fan, I'll be a great artist. Thanks in advance for your continued love and we have more in store. I love you~ Bye bye bye~

Jessica to Yuri
Yuri-ya~~ Yuri, you've been working out pretty hard recently. Bring me with you. Take me with you, more and more from now on, I think you're just a stereotypical AB blood type. But I love the way you laugh and when I'm with you I have so much fun. I hope you don't change the way you are.

Jessica to Yoona
YoonA - First of all, you're the natural/real representation of our group. I hope you shine (?) our group more in the future. I like how you are friendly with the older girls. Thank you for listening to me and hope to STAY TOGETHER ALWAYS <3

Jessica to Taeyeon
Taeyeon ah! You say you have headache everyday, looks like you really have a bad headache, isn't because of pressure? Anyway~ Eat more foods that good for health. Hope that your head won't ache anymore. When I see you hurt, I feel your pain too. So, health is most important. The most important is our Taeyeon healthy forever~

Jessica to Tiffany
Dear Tiffany who……………… Fany~ the more i get to know you, and the more you get to know me
we have so much…………and you must also feel that we can rely on each other~ because i felt so Did you?
so as two English speaking girls in the group, not only inside the group, but also outside
let’s be friends forever. i like fany a lot and care a lot of you.

Jessica to SeoHyun
Seohyun~its me sis~ Ju Hyun~Seo Hyun~
I wish you’d eat some yummy food, cuz I believe that eating only the organic, and healthy food is not really that healthy. Eat some chicken from time to time with the sisters, eat hamburger, and pizza. You advertise pizza for goodness sake. You have to eat pizza. And sufficient amount of cheese and calories aren’t that bad for your life. Don’t count calories and be friends with the older sisters. Having your own time may be better for your self-improvement, but in a way its better to be a friendly person than the geek who studies by oneself like at school. So start playing with the sisters. I love you~~

Jessica to Sooyoung
"Dear Sooyoung who's become best of a best friend(?) over times.
Sooyoung you and i have been friends for 10 years, because we met when we were in elementary school. 
Back then you were shorter than me~ But now you're the tallest one, you've grown. Man, you're a traitor~
Anyways, you, i mean we~ mmm.. can't ignore the the time spent together. Now we're roommates and we are specially close and i'm glad we're in Girls' Generation together, also(?) that we're roommates. mmm~ and i (can't read) you speak Japanese well. So teach me (can't read) we'll(?) be friends for 20, 30, years of course(not too sure)"

Jessica to Fans
Fans who love and care for Girls’ Generation, it`s Jessica~ Since debut till now, thank you so much for being with us no matter what, and I don`t know how to thank you enough, so I try to show you a better stage each time. We are starting to perform overseas and will be travelling around in many countries now, and I hope that you`ll be a vitable back up for us. So cheer for us, and we will do our best in return.

Yoona to Yuri
Yuri unnie, my roommate and the unnie whom I talked to the most last night after we got here. Uh… you really take good care of me, unnie and we talk about anything and everything. The necessities we need are down light and music… Unnie, we could have talked more if you didn’t sleep that early, so cut down on your sleep time and sleep a little later ~ Let’s find a interesting topic to talk about.

Yoona to Taeyeon
Taeyeon what I've recently feel from you is that you have changed a lot compared to the past, and I like that change. I don't know how to put it into words, but you're different, it's like your heart opened up! So I love that and you're always 'stay-home'member with me, watching TV- let's study what we could do outside that's fun.

Yoona to Jessica
Ssica you took good care of me since I was a trainee, and you're really caring. Like your sister, Krystal, you come off as cold and chic, but when we're together, you're almost too soaked in us to the point were we feel bad. You act like a freak and make jokes, when you weren't that kind of person to begin with. So I feel bad, but I like that side of you

Yoona to Sunny
Sunny, you and I are alike in a way. You have the tomboy side, but you're organised and smart. Sometimes I feel you're the brain of Girls' Generation, and you use pretty words. So use some of those pretty words to us.

Yoona to Hyoyeon
Hyoyeon, we used to go out together a lot but didn't have a chance lately. You are really (...) you'll be a good housewife and you're so organized. You don't seem like a blood type AB, but sometimes you really seem like one. There's something unique about you. I'm a type B as I have multiple (similarities/personalities) and you, you're weird yourself. Hope you stay the energizer you are with your brightness.

Sunny to Members

Hi members~ I’m always very thankful, but i feel like there are a few chances to express the gratitude. We always just play and laugh, but i want to take this time to say this.

First, Tae Yeon, since we share a room and I treasure you! Thanks always and sorry. We spend the most time together as roommates, even more than our families, and i’m sorry because I feel like i’m not so considerate to you. But I rely on you the most, you know all my secrets, and you’re my closest friend Tae Yeon! Thanks always, I trust and depend on you. Love you~

My Ssical Jessica!! It’s sad we didn’t get to talk much lately. But as you know, you are precious to me and I always think about you~ And although you don’t express much, we know you like us, care for us and think of us as well so no worries~

My cutesy Fany Fany Tiffany~ I don’t know why but my heart becomes emotional every time I see you. You always hold a lot in your eyes. I see you and you seem to be struggling alone within. I wish you wouldn’t do that because I care for you. I wish you all the best in your future, and I bless you.

My Hyo Yeon~ You’re the ice breaker with your ever bright attitude~ In fact, our fans are the most fond of you~ and I’m thankful that you always compliment me on my on-camera skills and try to encourage me. I’m very jealous of your ability to make people laugh with each word. I hope you would show us more of that fun and bright side of you, because you’re the best!

My Soo Young~ I always tell you to call me “older sister” because technically I’m a little older than you, but you still … of me because I'm shorter~ But really, you're the most mature among us and you take care of us so well! Thanks for always caring like mommy, and I love how you're as deep as you're tall,I care for you. Sooyoung, who prays for girls' generation every night until sleep. Thanks again... I'll always pray for you too, warm hearted Sooyoung.

My Yoona~ I always joke ''you're really pretty but why do you act that way?'' But I really think you're adorable making ugly expressions with that pretty face to make us laugh. I'm really glad our team has a girl like you. My no.1 baby sisters are you and Seohyun. Who could ever be more adorable than the baby sisters? No one. I really treasure you, and you're so lovable. Do continue to show me that awesomeness~okay?

Seohyun who I sincerely feel sorry to~ I alway make fun of you and pester you. But you always come back to me with a K.O.~I always make fun of your inflexibility and you come back to me with a sting saying you'll start to look up to me. You know I make fun of you because I adore you and I'm comfortable around you. I hope to stay close this way to you and it's good to teach us older sisters a lesson sometime! I'm glad I have a sister like you~ We are learning from you and thank you~ hehe

My variety show partner Yuri~ I made the most special memories with you through 'Invincible Youth' at the country side and experienced so much together, I feel like we became to share a larger bond. You seem healthier and stronger than me, and your tanned skin makes you look sexy, but as I come to know you, you're actually weaker and it made me sad when you get hurt or get sick. I really give you credit when you came back to the dorm and said 'Hey today was really fun, right?' Those are the times when you shine the most~and always keep up the smile, well, your skin is dark, but show a lot of that bright smile. And you know how you say 'Fighting!Fighting! Go!Go!' I want to keep seeing that from you. Thank you.

translation & Edit : S0nnyS1d3Up, Soy, blueia200 ll jairssf,yurie108,bekkychan@twitter ll spidermickey, soosicsphere
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''Twinkle'' Mini Album "Holler" Mini Album 1st Japanese Album 1st Japanese Album Repackaged 2nd Album ''Oh'' 2nd Japanese Album - Girls and Peace 2nd Repackaged Album '' Run Devil Run '' 3D 3rd Album - Mr Taxi 3rd Album - The Boys 3rd Japanese Album - Love and Peace 3rd Mini Album '' Hoot '' 4th Album - I Got A Boy 5th Album- LionHeart ALBUM - PARTY All About Girls' Generation Animation Arirang the M Wave Catch Me If You Can Album Catch Me If You Can Musical CF ChinChin Comeback Comic Concert Dangerous Boys Dating Agency Cyrano Dear Santa Album Download Drama Dream Team Fame Musical Family Outing Fanaccount Fancam Fashion King Gag Concert Gone with the Wind Musical HD Hello Baby Hyoyeon Index interview Invincible Youth Japan Japanese 5th Single - Oh Japanese 6th Single - Flower Power Japanese Single - Galaxy Supernova Japanese Single - Love and Girls Jessica KBS Happy Together KBS Wild Romance Legally Blonde Love Rain Lyrics Magazine MBC Show Champion Message Midnight Sun Musical mnet Mnet Countdown Mnet Heart a Tag Movie - I AM Mr Taxi Mr.Mr. MTV The M Music Bank Music Core MV News No Breathing OST Paparazzi - JP Single Performance Photobook Picture Prime Minister and I profile Radio sbs SBS Inkigayo SBS Midnight TV SBS Passionate Love Seohyun Singing in the Rain Musical SM The Ballad SM Town SNSD(Group) SONEms Exclusive Song Sooyoung SPAO Spring Days of My Life Star Card Collection Star King Strong Heart Subbed Subunit - TaeTiSeo Sunny Taeyeon The Moon Embraces the Sun Musical Tiffany Translation tVn The Third Hospital Twitter U.S UFO Video We Got Married WinWin Yoona Youtube Yuri

