공깃돌민영이 오늘 부로 안녕이네요ㅠㅅㅠ
섭섭하기도 하지만 길지 않은 시간 동안
여러분께 차고도 넘칠 만큼 많은 사랑 받은 것 같아서..
너무 너무 행복한 민영이었습니다^ㅡ^
현장분위기도 너무나 유쾌하고 친절한 선배님들과 동료분들..
그리구 스탭분들 덕분에 언제나 화기애애했어요~ㅎㅎ
대본만 봐서는 의뢰인과 타겟의 모습이 잘 상상이 안갔는데.
살아 움직이는 캐릭터로 시라노가 실제가 되게 만들어주셨던
까메오 연기자 여러분.. 매회마다 반짝반짝 빛내주셨죠^^
그 덕에 민영이는 매회 새로운 선배 연기자 분들이 오실 때마다
옆에서 많은 것을 느끼고 배웠어요.ㅎㅎ 긴 수업을 듣고 난 것 같아요ㅎㅎ
팬 여러분들이 보내주시는 서포트도
밤샘촬영에.. 늘 힘이 돼주어서 끝까지 잘 마무리 할 수 있었어요 감사합니다♥
이제 언젠가 또 맞이할 새로운 캐릭터를 위해서!!
민영이도 의진이와 함께 마음 속 깊이 묻고~ㅎㅎ
아쉬움을 뒤로 한 채 곧 있을 대만콘서트에 마음껏 설렐게요!!그래도 되죠?^0^
보내주신 사랑.응원에 앞으로 더 보답하는 수영이 될게요^^~♥ ㅎㅎ
아쉬우니까~~ 촬영하면서 찍은 사진들!! 공개합니다+_+
[From. SOOYOUNG] It's Gonggitdol Minyoung~ㅠㅅㅠ
*Gonggi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonggi
Today is the day to say goodbye to Gonggitdol Minyoungㅠㅅㅠ
Even though I'm sad, for this short period of time,
because it seems like I've received an abundance of love from everyone..
I've been a very very happy Minyoung^ㅡ^
The atmosphere over here is also really joyous. The kind/friendly sunbaenims and colleagues..
and also with the staff members, we're always very harmonious~ hehe
Just by looking at the script, I couldn't really visualise the appearances/personas of the client and the target.
The people who made these characters come alive in Cyrano,
the cameo actors.. they were always shining brightly in every episode right?^^ (Basically saying they are all stars)
Thanks to that, Minyoungie could meet new sunbae actors every episode and when they came,
I could experience or learn new things hehe. It feels like I've listened to a long class hehe
The support that all the fans have sent too,
even during overnight filming sessions.. I could always have strength and end it well, thank you♥
Now, for the sake of meeting a new character sometime!!
I'm burying both Minyoung (Soo's character in Cyrano) and Euijin (Soo's character in 3rd Hospital) deep in the depths of my heart~ hehe
I will leave the regrets behind and look forward to the upcoming Taiwan concert to my heart's content!! That's fine too right?^0^
The love that you sent. The support, in the future I will become a Sooyoung that can reciprocate even more^^~♥ hehe
Because it's regretful [that it has ended]~~ Photos taken while shooting!! I'm revealing them+_+
대학생 민영이 셀카~! 히히
University student Minyoungie selca~! Hehe
정든 시라노 본부..셋트에서^^
Beloved Cyrano headquarters.. set^^

날 콤미녕~~이라고 부르던 태연이와 곰인형~~이라고 부르던 빠니..
그리구 맨날 날 보면 공깃돌~이러면서 서병 흉내를 내던 서현이~!!
시라노 본부의 첫 방문 멤버였어요ㅎㅎ♥
Together with Taeyeonie who calls me Kom Minyeong~~ (Sweet pretty girl) and Ppani who calls me Gom Inhyung~~ (Teddy bear)..
And also Seohyunie who always says Gonggitdol~ then impersonates Seobyung (male lead's nickname?) when she sees me~!!
They were the first members to visit the Cyrano headquarters hehe♥ 현장에서 가장 뜨거운 호응을 받은 방문멤버 효연유리♥ ㅎㅎ
우리 감독님은 효연이팬, 조감독님은 유리팬~!
Visiting members who received the hottest response at the location, Hyoyeon Yuri♥ hehe
Our director is a Hyoyeon fan, assistant director is a Yuri fan~!
마스터의 식당이 신기한 효율 히히 기요미들..
HyoYul who found Master's restaurant very fascinating hehe cuties..
누나 얼굴 크게 나온다고 하니까 앞으로 한껏 내밀어준 매너남 레이..
Because I said "Noona's face will come out big", he stuck his head forward, manner boy Ray..
민영이 절친 시라노멤버 아랑이!!!
귀엽고 친절한 윤우 파이팅^^
Minyoung's best friend, Cyrano member Ahrangie!!!
Cute and friendly Yoonwoo, fighting^^
막촬날 서공커플~~!!
서병은 이종혁 선배님이었기에 가능한 캐릭터였구
저 또한 상대역이 선배님이어서 민영이를 이해할 수 있었던 것 같아요 ..
이조녁 선배님 짱♥
Final shooting day, SeoGong couple~!!
The character Seobyung was only possible because it was Lee Jonghyuk sunbaenim
For me too, because my counterpart was sunbaenim, I was able to understand Minyoungie ..
Lee Jonghyuk sunbaenim jjang♥
끝까지 남자다웠고 멋있었던 마스터!
추심 2인조의 영달 민교 오라버니^^!!
Manly/masculine and cool till the end, Master!
2-man collection squad's Youngdal, Mingyo orabeoni (more respectful way of saying oppa)^^!!
만능엔지니어 시크한 매력의 무진!
레이와 아랑의 사랑을 한 몸에 받은
부러운 세경이 윤서^^!!
All-round engineer with chic charms, Moojin!
Girl who received both of Ray's and Ahrang's love,
enviable Sekyungie, Yoonseo^^!!
상큼한 혜리 연주언니와 함께^^♥
마지막까지 사랑해 주신 시청자 여러분과 소원~~!!
민영이가 외치던 진심만으로 통하는 사랑.^^ ♥
여러분에게도 꼭 한 번 찾아오기를 바래요^^!!
Together with the fresh Yeonjoo unnie who played Hyeri^^♥
Lastly, for the viewers who showed so much love and for SONE~~!!
The love that Minyoungie expressed and can only be conveyed through sincerity.^^ ♥
Everyone, I hope you definitely try looking for it too^^!!
(Basically saying she's showing her love through her acting, so watch it.)
Thank you!
Credits : girlsgeneration.smtown.com ll kymmie ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET