Home » Archives for 24 December 2012
Credits : instyle ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
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Credits : ohboyzine ll egloos ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
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[LATEST UPDATE (Not in Download Folder)]
AYO 소원! merry christmas^^
new years countdown
같이 합시당! (; DDAY-8*
AYO SONE! merry christmas^^
new years countdown,
let's do it together! (; DDAY-8*
new years countdown
같이 합시당! (; DDAY-8*
AYO SONE! merry christmas^^
new years countdown,
let's do it together! (; DDAY-8*
Credits : girlsgeneration.smtown.com ll translated by ch0sshi ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
소원!!! 메리크리스마스!!^ㅡ^
컴백을 예고하고, 첫 글이네요?^ㅡ^
입 근지러워 죽는 줄 알았당께롱..ㅎㅎ
예고하고 나니까, 괜히 더!!빨리! 보여주고 싶다는!! 으하하!!
이제 진짜 조금만 기다리면 새로운 소시의 모습을
볼 수 있으니까! 기대 많이 해주세요:)
기쁨과 감사가 넘치는 성탄절날,
주위 분들과 사랑을 나누며
따듯한 크리스마스 보내세요^-^!♥
그리고 마음이 훈훈해지는 좋은 소식하나 더!
저희 소녀시대가 시각장애인협회 연구기금 마련을 위한 경매를
12월26일부터 시작한답니다^ㅡ^
좋은곳에 쓰이는 만큼 여러분의 많은 관심! 부탁 드려요♥
↑ Please check this site!
We need your support:)♥
이런 좋은 소식은 널리널리 퍼뜨려서 공위터의 위엄을 보여줍시다 하핫^ㅡ^
SONE!!! Merry Christmas!! ^ㅡ^
It's the first post, after giving notice of a comeback. ^ㅡ^
I thought I was dying from wanting to tell (about the comeback).. ㅎㅎ
After giving notice, I want to show you our comeback!! for no reason!! earlier! euhaha!!
Now, if you really wait for just a little more, you will be able to see a new Soshi!
So look forward to it :)
The day where happiness and thanks overflows, Christmas, share love with those around you, and spend a warm Christmas^-^!
And one more heartwarming news!
SNSD is starting an auction on December 26th to raise funds for the association for the visually impaired ^ㅡ^
As it's going to be for a good cause, give lots of attention! Please♥
Link below↓!!
↑ Please check this site!
We need your support:)♥
Let's spread good news like this far and wide, and show the dignity of official homepage+Twitter haha ^ㅡ^
Merry Christmas ^ㅡ^♥
컴백을 예고하고, 첫 글이네요?^ㅡ^
입 근지러워 죽는 줄 알았당께롱..ㅎㅎ
예고하고 나니까, 괜히 더!!빨리! 보여주고 싶다는!! 으하하!!
이제 진짜 조금만 기다리면 새로운 소시의 모습을
볼 수 있으니까! 기대 많이 해주세요:)
기쁨과 감사가 넘치는 성탄절날,
주위 분들과 사랑을 나누며
따듯한 크리스마스 보내세요^-^!♥
그리고 마음이 훈훈해지는 좋은 소식하나 더!
저희 소녀시대가 시각장애인협회 연구기금 마련을 위한 경매를
12월26일부터 시작한답니다^ㅡ^
좋은곳에 쓰이는 만큼 여러분의 많은 관심! 부탁 드려요♥
↑ Please check this site!
We need your support:)♥
이런 좋은 소식은 널리널리 퍼뜨려서 공위터의 위엄을 보여줍시다 하핫^ㅡ^
SONE!!! Merry Christmas!! ^ㅡ^
It's the first post, after giving notice of a comeback. ^ㅡ^
I thought I was dying from wanting to tell (about the comeback).. ㅎㅎ
After giving notice, I want to show you our comeback!! for no reason!! earlier! euhaha!!
Now, if you really wait for just a little more, you will be able to see a new Soshi!
So look forward to it :)
The day where happiness and thanks overflows, Christmas, share love with those around you, and spend a warm Christmas^-^!
And one more heartwarming news!
SNSD is starting an auction on December 26th to raise funds for the association for the visually impaired ^ㅡ^
As it's going to be for a good cause, give lots of attention! Please♥
Link below↓!!
↑ Please check this site!
We need your support:)♥
Let's spread good news like this far and wide, and show the dignity of official homepage+Twitter haha ^ㅡ^
Merry Christmas ^ㅡ^♥
Credits : girlsgeneration.smtown.com ll trans : ch0sshi ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
reuploaded by Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Credits: BanilaCo ll Tetsuya, ImanRyad [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
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TranslatedDespite it being cold early in the morning, and though you're probably tired, thank you very very much for coming like this!! I was excited about meeting our SONE, and was looking forward to this in hopes of showing you all immediately! How was it? Did you have a good time? It was so cold when we came out this morning, so I thought about SONE first.. You'd be waiting outside.. Wondering.. ㅠ_ㅠ What to do… I'm really happy we could make good memories right before Christmas like this.
2012. End the little that's left of it well. I hope even happier things happen in 2013 than 2012!! ^^ Be careful not to catch a cold, and always, thank you so much~ -Yoona-

There isn't a lot of time left in the year… Spend good times until the end, and I'll pray that you're even more! happier in 2013.
Credits: ch0sshi ll bestiz ll TangPa ll ImanRyad [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
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Fan: I guess you’d be sweating, preparing for the comeback show right about nowㅠ hwaiting hwaiting!!
Yoona: we came out not too long ago, and it’s really really coldㅜ what to do about the fans standing by for the comeback showㅠㅠ sighㅜ
Credits: ch0sshi ll ImanRyad [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET Yoona: we came out not too long ago, and it’s really really coldㅜ what to do about the fans standing by for the comeback showㅠㅠ sighㅜ
Credits: ch0sshi ll ImanRyad [SONEms.net]
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Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
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Credits : bestiz ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET