Great News Forumers on SONEms!
In the pass few days I have been working on a new and updated layout on the forum,
and now I am very excited to tell all of you that it is done now!
I have been working on it for a few days without getting much rest and now that it is accomplished, you guys can enjoy the new layout.
Check out the new layout on our forum here,
Also, I wanted to tell you all that our youtube channel have been change since we got strikes
So we will be changing from sonemssubs07 to sonemssubs08
Recently, we've also subbed few videos which you can found on our subbing section (forum)
That's all, Enjoy the new layout of the forum.! Cya! Don't forget to collect ants to get ant-waist .
Don't get it? watch this video instead. keke
from Tetsuya [SONEms.NET]