Home » Archives for 05 August 2013
Credits : LLang Facebook ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
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낄낄낄.. #gg

6th Anniversary Thank you, SONE, and my members #gg #6
낄낄낄.. #gg
6th Anniversary Thank you, SONE, and my members #gg #6
Credits: instagram.com/taeyeon_ss ll ch0sshi ll ImanRyad [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
안녕하세여 소원 여러분^^
소녀시대 라는 그룹으로 지내온 지.
벌써 6년째 되는 날이에요~♥
18살이던 제가 어느덧 24살이 되었고.
후배들도 많이 생기고..
여자 그룹으로서는 꽤 오랜 시간을 보내고 있는 저희인 것 같아요^^
아직도 저희 곁에서 최고라고 해주시고
처음보다는 부족한 모습이 보일 텐데도
항상 응원해주시는 분들이 있기 때문에
이렇게 6년째가 되는 지금도
멋진 소녀시대로 남을 수 있게 된 것 같습니당♥
항상 고맙습니다♥
지금은 소녀시대~!!
I'm happy receiving congratulations from various places^^ at dawn yesterday, through group chat, us membersㅋㅋ congratulated each other~.. um, I can't do something that will make your fingers curl!!ㅋㅋ thank you, and I love you, SONE!! Happy 6th anniversary
Credits : girlsgeneration.smtown.com ll ch0sshi ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
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Credits : yulyulk ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
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Credits :syjessica ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
Credits : sosiz ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
Credits : Double M ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
Credits : UFOTown ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET

유타사진을 열심히 바꾸려고 하다가..
이미00:00시가 지나서 그냥 포기하려 하다가..
소원 한 번 더 생각하고 공홈에 왔어요..
happy 6 주년.. 우리 평생 가쟈♥
from 11:58.. until 12:25, i tried hard to change my ufo photo.. but 00:00 passed, so i was just going to give up.. but i came to the official homepage, thinking of SONE one more time.. happy 6th anniversary.. let's go on forever♥
Credits : girlsgeneration.smtown.com ll ch0sshi ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET
Credits : therealminnn ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET