Home » Archives for 07 May 2011

Well many of you told me that the loading speed of this site is Slow.
It's true that we don't like to wait much.
So I decided to Optimize the Speed of the Site and Added some
New Features for you guys. Well As you can see,
I've deleted some of the widget which slows you
I've deleted some of the widget which slows you
down very very very much.
For your information, If you didn't know how 'slow' this website is before
For your information, If you didn't know how 'slow' this website is before
Well let me tell you, It's about 18-20 second to complete the page .It's different if you came from different country and Internet speed. Well now, I've successfully made it to load about 3.5- 5 seconds which I took many time deciding which tools I wanted to delete. Well I can't say that 3.5 - 5 second is the best but for this site. It is consider good because you don't have to click the ''read more'' thing like other site.
Well let me make you a Conclusion of the Updates
Things Deleted
1. Featured Content Slider (800kb) (Size is too Big)
2. Counter (Snake)
3. SoundCloud Player (Loading time is too Long)
CSS Script Optimized
CSS Script Optimized
Useless Codings deleted
HTML Optimized
New Features!
1.Title Font Changed
2. Sidebar Title Font Changed
3. Highlight Colour Change (Try to Highlight This Text :D It's in Awesome Pink)
Well Have fun in checking out this site in better speed ~
If you have any suggestion or question . Please feel free to to leave a comment below
From Founder - Tetsuya