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어제의 댄싱효더스타의 흥분이 아직 가라앉지 않은 채로
떨리는 마음으로 음중에 다녀왔어요!!+_+
아침에 딱 갔는데 태티서언니들이 메이크업 하구 있더라구여..
와..실물 진짜 짱이예요.. 너무 예뻐서 소리지를 뻔 했는데
저도 이제 배우이고 안방마님이니까 품위를 지키려 노력했답니다!! 진짜 떨려죽는줄!!
대기실 가니까 방송에서만 보던 소녀시대도시락이 뙇!!
제 이름도 써서 주셨어요! 소원분들 센스돋으뮤ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
도시락 진짜 맛나게 먹고 힘내서 제 무대는 두번 만에 오케이가 났답니다!
끝나고 태티서언니들 무대 하는데 라이브짱임...ㅠㅡㅜ

태연언니 왜 방긋방긋 웃고난리? 너무 이쁨. 서현언니 애드립 박력터지고.ㅠㅠ
파니언닌 머리 색깔 너무 잘 어울리고 폭풍 라이부ㅠㅠ 언니들 스케치북 때도 넘 잘했음..
끝나고 언니들이 엠씨의상으로 갈아입고 화관 같은거 쓰셨는데 진짜 천사가따로없음...ㅠㅡㅜ
사진 찍어 달라구 하니까 흔쾌히 웃으면서 사진 찍어 주셨어요ㅜㅜ
언니들 얼굴 짱작아요ㅠㅠ 언니들과 헤어지기 싫었지만 집으로 돌아와야 했어요..
올만에 소녀시대메이크업하고 셀카 백만장 찍었습니다!
비올라 연습도 했어요! 비올리스트 의진이 기대해 주실거죵?!
여러분 보고시퍼요 :( 대만 smtown에서 만나요 ^_^ !!

다음주 금요일 #0500 효연 투표 잊으면 안대요+_+

[TRANS From. SOOYOUNG] I went to MuCore>_

With the excitement still left over from watching yesterday's Dancing Hyo The Stars I went to MuCore!!+_+
I arrived in the morning and saw TaeTiSeo unnies doing their makeup..
Wow..they look so pretty in person..they looked so pretty that I almost screamed
I am now an actress and a mistress so I worked hard to protect my dignity!!* I was so nervous!!
I went to the waiting room and saw the SNSD lunchbox that I used to see only on TV!!
Even my name was written on it! SONE are so wittyㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I gladly ate the food and gained strength and the OK was given for my performance after only 2 recordings!
After that I watched TaeTiSeo unnies' performance and their live singing was jjang...ㅠㅡㅜ

Why was Taeyeon unni smiling like that? She's so pretty. Seohyun unni's ad-libs were powerful.ㅠㅠ
Fany unni's hair color suits her so well and her powerful live singingㅠㅠ Unnies also did great on Sketchbook..
After finishing, the unnies changed into their MC outfits and wore wreaths, no angel can compareㅠㅡㅜ
I asked to take a photo and they gladly smiled and took a photoㅜㅜ
Unnies' faces are so smallㅠㅠ I didn't want to leave them but I had to go home...
For the first time in a while SNSD took millions of selcas with makeup on!
I also practiced the viola! You're going to look forward to violist Euijin right?!
I miss you all :( I'll meet you all at SM Town Taiwan^_^!!

Don't forget to vote #0500 Hyoyeon next Friday+_+
Credits : ll Translated by taenacity ll Tetsuya []
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Credits : ll Tetsuya []
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On June 1st, Girls’ Generation – TTS guest-starred on KBS 2TV’s “Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook”. In addition to performing “Twinkle” and solo cover songs “Take a Bow”, “Rolling in the Deep”, and “Jack”, Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun sat down with MC Yoo Heeyeol for a short and entertaining interview.

During this episode, Taeyeon revealed the secret behind her singing, stating, “When promoting as nine members, we aren’t given many opportunities to sing by ourselves, so I feel like we’re fulfilling what we’ve wanted through this promotion cycle as a unit group.” MC Yoo Heeyeol also complimented the girls’ hidden singing talents. Tiffany and Seohyun then commented, “I think Taeyeon has a natural born talent [for singing]. She sings so well that it comes off as very confident of herself.”

In reality, Taeyeon has been garnering attention through their “Twinkle” performances for her explosive high notes. She was acknowledged for her unwavering singing, even while showing a flashy performance. To this, Taeyeon confessed, “I think it’s genetic. My dad was the vocalist in a neighborhood band,” causing laughter. Also during this episode, Seohyun recalled the audition she had at age twelve and sang “Wild Flower Story”, gaining a great response from the audience.

During the show, when asked, “Is there a member of Girls’ Generation who acts pretty?”, they all named Sunny. Tiffany explained, “Sunny winks with both eyes while shrugging her shoulders,” and proceeded to imitate her during “Gee”, gaining laughter from the others. Tiffany added, “Those performances from Sunny help Girls’ Generation,” and complimented Sunny’s charms.

Source: Newsen, Star Today,
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified, residentbenchwarmer@soshified

Girls’ Generation’s Hyoyeon’s unexpected outfit has been garnering attention.

On June 1st during MBC’s “Dancing with the Stars II”, Hyoyeon wore an outfit that showed her bare waist while emphasizing her curves. She danced the jive with her partner Kim Hyungsuk this day.

Hyoyeon captured the viewers’ attention first with the cute sunglasses she was wearing, then with her perfect dancing and unexpected attire.

Netizens showed their interest by commenting, “That’s like the body of a goddess”, “I’ve been feeling good about Hyoyeon lately”, and “Did she always have this many curves?”

This episode also aired footage of Hyoyeon contacting her partner Kim Hyungsuk even when it wasn’t practice hours, telling him what kind of dances she wanted to do, showing her enthusiasm for dancing on the show.

Source: Osen
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: residentbenchwarmer@soshified

A popular way in Korea for fans to show their support and appreciation towards their favorite artists is to send them delicious meals. However, food allergies are a very important factor that must be taken into careful consideration while preparing any kind of food.

On June 1st, MBC’s “Good Day” conducted several interviews with various lunchbox-making companies. During the interview, one company that is known for making lunches for Girls’ Generation revealed that “we always match our menu for the fans who know what Girls’ Generation members like.” As the interview progressed, the company shared some of the surprising food allergies that certain members of Girls’ Generation have. For example, Taeyeon is allergic to nuts, while Jessica not only dislikes the smell of cucumbers, she is also allergic to them. On the other hand, Tiffany enjoys eating eel so much that her lunchboxes have sometimes contained not one but two pieces of eel.

When asked about Girls’ Generation’s diet concerns, the company stated that they don’t make any special adjustments because the girls said that “they don’t need any special diet foods since they do a lot of dancing and singing and other activities.” So instead of cutting down portions or restricting only to certain foods, the lunchboxes are prepared with delicious ingredients that create a healthy balance between all the different food groups.

Source: Stewart Ho via enewsworld
Written by: FrozenArctic@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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Credits : SMent Japan ll sosiz ll snsdchina ll Tetsuya []
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Twinkle -
Take a Bow, Jack, Rolling in the Deep -
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Credits : ll Tetsuya []
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''Twinkle'' Mini Album "Holler" Mini Album 1st Japanese Album 1st Japanese Album Repackaged 2nd Album ''Oh'' 2nd Japanese Album - Girls and Peace 2nd Repackaged Album '' Run Devil Run '' 3D 3rd Album - Mr Taxi 3rd Album - The Boys 3rd Japanese Album - Love and Peace 3rd Mini Album '' Hoot '' 4th Album - I Got A Boy 5th Album- LionHeart ALBUM - PARTY All About Girls' Generation Animation Arirang the M Wave Catch Me If You Can Album Catch Me If You Can Musical CF ChinChin Comeback Comic Concert Dangerous Boys Dating Agency Cyrano Dear Santa Album Download Drama Dream Team Fame Musical Family Outing Fanaccount Fancam Fashion King Gag Concert Gone with the Wind Musical HD Hello Baby Hyoyeon Index interview Invincible Youth Japan Japanese 5th Single - Oh Japanese 6th Single - Flower Power Japanese Single - Galaxy Supernova Japanese Single - Love and Girls Jessica KBS Happy Together KBS Wild Romance Legally Blonde Love Rain Lyrics Magazine MBC Show Champion Message Midnight Sun Musical mnet Mnet Countdown Mnet Heart a Tag Movie - I AM Mr Taxi Mr.Mr. MTV The M Music Bank Music Core MV News No Breathing OST Paparazzi - JP Single Performance Photobook Picture Prime Minister and I profile Radio sbs SBS Inkigayo SBS Midnight TV SBS Passionate Love Seohyun Singing in the Rain Musical SM The Ballad SM Town SNSD(Group) SONEms Exclusive Song Sooyoung SPAO Spring Days of My Life Star Card Collection Star King Strong Heart Subbed Subunit - TaeTiSeo Sunny Taeyeon The Moon Embraces the Sun Musical Tiffany Translation tVn The Third Hospital Twitter U.S UFO Video We Got Married WinWin Yoona Youtube Yuri

