120806 Tiffany's Official Selca Picture + Message - Translated
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소녀시대가 고무장갑을 손에끼든.. 발에끼든..
변함없이 사랑해주는 소원이 있기에…
그 다음엔 어떤 걸 함께 이뤄낼지 아주 기대됩니다(개인적으로)ㅋㅋ
너무 소중하고… 너무 감사하고… 너무 사랑해요…………happy 5th♥
Whether Girls' Generation is wearing rubber gloves on our hands.. or our feet..
Because there are SONEs who love us unconditionally...
It really makes me look forward to what else we can make happen next together (personally) Keke
You're so precious... I'm so thankful... I love you so much…………happy 5th♥
Credits: ch0sshi ll ImanRyad [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET