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There are 2 contest which is going on in 101226
Which is
Siggies Contest
and Funny Macro Contest

Well , let's make this short
this two people are chosen as the winner
I've sent out the prizes to each of them, so please do notify in your email
These are their works
Siggies Contest
Winner : GiJeok
Funny Macro Contest

Winner : Christie

Well, Let's give them a clap.
For people who didn't win on this event. Try it again next time
Thank you for participating. There is always a chance for you to win :)

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Total 16P

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SNSD‘s ‘Oh!‘ was selected as the most popular song which received the most love in 2010 on online music site, ‘Monkey 3′.

The ’2010 Monkey 3 Best Song 30′ was selected based on the number downloads and online streaming from January 1st to December 10th (90%) and also Monkey 3 user votes (10%).

From these criteria, SNSD emerged as the winner with their hit song ‘Oh!’. As soon as it was released, ‘Oh!’ recorded an ‘all-kill’ on various music charts and went on to take the no.1 spot for the first half of the year on these charts, including the ‘Monkey 3′ chart as well.

SNSD are indeed the most popular singer of the year as their hits ‘Oh!’, ‘Run Devil Run’ and ‘Hoot’ dominated the charts as soon as they were officially released.

Through the scores calculated based on download and streaming figures from January 1st to December 10th on ‘Monkey 3′, ‘Best Artist’, ‘Longest Weekly Chart Winner’ and ‘Best Duet Song’ were also selected.

miss A’s ‘Bad Girl Good Girl’ was awarded the ‘Longest Weekly Chart Winner’ as the promising newcomers took no.1 on ‘Monkey 3 Weekly Chart’ for 4 weeks in a row. For the ‘Best Duet Song’ category, IU and Im Seulong (2AM)’s ‘Nagging’ secured the no.1 spot. 2AM on the other hand, were selected as the ‘Best Artist’.


SNSD were awarded the ‘Star of The Year‘ and ‘Artist of The Year‘ awards by Sports Korea for 2 consecutive years.

In 2010, SNSD released 3 hit songs, ‘Oh!’, ‘Run Devil Run’ and ‘Hoot’ as well as becoming the center of girl group craze syndrome in Japan ever since their debut showcase in Ariake Coliseum in August 2010.

On December 25th at the waiting room in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, the awards came as a surprise to the girls as they could not believe they have won the two awards. Although the girls have grown into a big star across Asia, they are indeed still cute and shy girls. Here are some of the reactions from the girls after winning the awards:

Reporter: You are the ‘Star of The Year’ award winner. How do you feel?
Jessica: Yeah~!
Seohyun: I could not believe it.
Sunny: As we are still young So Nyeos, this means a lot to us and it seems surreal.

Reporter: This year SNSD have been receiving lots of love. What do you think is the factor for your popularity?
Taeyeon: I think the audience love the ‘freshness’ of our performances everytime we come up with a new concept. Also, the expectation that goes with the change in our appearances played a major role as well.
Seohyun: Since we’re growing slowly everyday, please feel proud for us. I guess when the audience see us being happy on stage, they too, will be feeling the same.

Reporter: It has been a busy year. What’s the most memorable moment?
Jessica: Our first showcase in Japan was the most memorable.
Taeyeon: That’s right. The feeling is still fresh in our minds. When we first landed on a foreign land, how would we know that the fans know about us and gave us such huge cheers and support? Even now, I still find it hard to believe.
Seohyun: In achieving new records in a new place, it has given the team members an opportunity to work together more closely.
Sooyoung: I think for me it’s Tiffany’s injury. This is the first time a member has been absent for this long due to something like this. With the void left by Tiffany, I think we have learned to care and think of one another better now.
Tiffany: I’m really thankful for the care and concerns given by the members. The void was greatly felt. In the future, I do not want to get hurt or ill anymore.

Reporter: What are your plans for 2011?
Seohyun: This year, we had the ‘Asia Tour’ going. Whenever we meet fans abroad, there is a special kind of feeling which is quite different from what we received from fans in Korea. In order to meet more of our foreign fans, we want a world tour. As proud citizens, SNSD want to help promote Korea Republic as well.
Taeyeon: I only want to greet everyone with good news. Please keep SNSD in your minds in 2011 too.


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and there is a news on world tour here
Title > ''Daesang'' Girls' Generation want to have a world tour next year
Hope they come to Malaysia then :) and of course other country too.


''Twinkle'' Mini Album "Holler" Mini Album 1st Japanese Album 1st Japanese Album Repackaged 2nd Album ''Oh'' 2nd Japanese Album - Girls and Peace 2nd Repackaged Album '' Run Devil Run '' 3D 3rd Album - Mr Taxi 3rd Album - The Boys 3rd Japanese Album - Love and Peace 3rd Mini Album '' Hoot '' 4th Album - I Got A Boy 5th Album- LionHeart ALBUM - PARTY All About Girls' Generation Animation Arirang the M Wave Catch Me If You Can Album Catch Me If You Can Musical CF ChinChin Comeback Comic Concert Dangerous Boys Dating Agency Cyrano Dear Santa Album Download Drama Dream Team Fame Musical Family Outing Fanaccount Fancam Fashion King Gag Concert Gone with the Wind Musical HD Hello Baby Hyoyeon Index interview Invincible Youth Japan Japanese 5th Single - Oh Japanese 6th Single - Flower Power Japanese Single - Galaxy Supernova Japanese Single - Love and Girls Jessica KBS Happy Together KBS Wild Romance Legally Blonde Love Rain Lyrics Magazine MBC Show Champion Message Midnight Sun Musical mnet Mnet Countdown Mnet Heart a Tag Movie - I AM Mr Taxi Mr.Mr. MTV The M Music Bank Music Core MV News No Breathing OST Paparazzi - JP Single Performance Photobook Picture Prime Minister and I profile Radio sbs SBS Inkigayo SBS Midnight TV SBS Passionate Love Seohyun Singing in the Rain Musical SM The Ballad SM Town SNSD(Group) SONEms Exclusive Song Sooyoung SPAO Spring Days of My Life Star Card Collection Star King Strong Heart Subbed Subunit - TaeTiSeo Sunny Taeyeon The Moon Embraces the Sun Musical Tiffany Translation tVn The Third Hospital Twitter U.S UFO Video We Got Married WinWin Yoona Youtube Yuri

