정말 오랜만에 고향친구이자 선배님이자 동료인 탱이를 만났당^^어렸을 때 친구와 같은 꿈을 꾸고 이뤄서 이렇게 서로 열심히 살고 있는 모습이 마냥 신기하여 계속 옛날 얘기하며 추억을 되새기는데 인생이란 pic.twitter.com/TuJOf7U5zg
for the first time in really long while, I met my hometown friend, senior, and colleague Taeng^^ after dreaming the same dream with friends when we were little, and making that dream come true like this, the way we're living like this, working hard is really amazing. we kept talking about our past, reminiscing, and I felt again how fun life is~^^ㅎ we wanted to try taking a picture under the street lights along the dark Han River roadㅋㅋ there are shadows here and there…ㅋ let's order a small patbingsoo next time.. it was too much!ㅠㅠ
Credits : @no_eul ll Trans by ch0sshi ll Tetsuya [SONEms.net]
Please take out with Full Credits Including - SONEms.NET