110729 Hayeon's ranking of the girls
Hayeon is Taeyeon’s younger sister.
So a group of Taiwanese fans went to the optical store.
Hayeon was also there
Then, Tae’s mom asked Hayeon to rank the girls
Here is the ranking: (Of course, Tae is the ultimate #1)
1. Seohyun
2. Tiffany
3. Sooyoung
4. Yuri
5. Hyoyeon
6. Yoona
7. Sunny
8. Jessica
Hayeon said she likes to sing and dance just like her sister. When we asked her who does she like in SNSD, Tae’s mom answered even faster than Hayeon and said “Taeyeon” XDDDDDDD. Originally, we just want to know who does Hayeon like besides Taeyeon. But then, Taeyeon’s mom asked Hayeon to rank all the other 8 girls in her mind. This is how we accidently get Hayeon’s ranking of the girls Hahahaha
cr : 灣灣超給力TPTS
Trans: Iwen @ soshified